Digital Assets & Funds Tracing
Manage the challenges and opportunities of digital assets and cryptocurrencies.
Blockchain technology means digital assets can be more traceable than traditional financial assets. Using proven asset tracing methodologies, forensic accounting and our strategic partner Chainalysis, McGrathNicol can assist clients to:
Uncover corrupt, illegal or unethical behaviour covertly funded by digital assets.
Expand traditional asset tracing methods to incorporate digital assets supporting recovery and litigation actions.
Trace instances where wealth is hidden through financial crime, false bankruptcy or insolvency claims.
Conduct enhanced due diligence with immediate visibility into undisclosed payments or high-risk counterparties.
Recreate transaction histories and provide detailed and actionable forensic expert reports for investors, lawyers, regulators and law enforcement.
Partnering with McGrathNicol gives you access to expert knowledge and well documented protocols to identify, recover and manage digital assets.