Complaints & feedback policy

  1. This policy covers the management of complaints or feedback received from clients or other stakeholders with respect to insolvency administrations, projects, or services undertaken by McGrathNicol (“the Firm”), or with respect to the conduct of our people, privacy issues or ethical matters, relating to the activities of the Firm.

  2. Persons, organisations or other stakeholders not satisfied with any of the following relating to the activities of the Firm:

    • a project, or a service undertaken by the Firm;

    • any aspect of an insolvency administration;

    • the conduct of our people; or

    • any privacy issues or ethical matters

    may contact the Firm to notify us of the issue. Similarly, feedback on the Firm’s insolvency administrations, projects or services, or the conduct of our people, privacy issues or ethical matters relating to the activities of the Firm can also be communicated to us.

  3. We request that complaints or feedback be provided in writing (by letter or email) to ensure that the details are received in a clear and complete manner.

  4. In the first instance, written complaints or feedback should be directed to the Partner responsible for the relevant insolvency administration, project or service. The identity of the Partner responsible will generally be clearly identified on any correspondence relating to insolvency administrations, projects or services undertaken by the Firm. If provision of a complaint or feedback in writing is not practicable, details of McGrathNicol contact addresses and telephone numbers are available on the McGrathNicol website.

  5. If your complaint or feedback relates to a privacy issue, you may direct your complaint or feedback in writing to:
    Privacy Officer
    GPO Box 9986
    Melbourne VIC 3001

    or by via the enquiry form on the Contact Us page.

  6. If you are uncertain as to whom to direct the complaint or feedback to, or if you are dissatisfied with the initial response to a complaint, you may direct your complaint or feedback in writing to:
    The Risk and Professional Practice Partner
    GPO Box 9986
    Sydney NSW 2001
    or by via the enquiry form on the Contact Us page.

  7. The following details should be provided with the complaint or feedback:

    • Your name, title and contact details and, if relevant, the details of the organisation you represent and in what capacity;

    • The name of the Firm’s insolvency administration, project or service and of the relevant Firm personnel;

    • Your connection with the Firm’s insolvency administration, project or service, or the relevant Firm personnel;

    • The name(s) of any Firm personnel with whom you may have already raised your complaint or feedback;

    • The background and facts relating to your complaint or feedback including the date(s)/time(s) when the relevant conduct occurred;

    • A copy of any documents relevant to your complaint or feedback. If you do not have all relevant supporting documentation, please make note of this and explain why this is the case; and

    • The details of any external party that you may have already discussed your complaint or feedback with.

  8. We will provide a response acknowledging receipt of your complaint or feedback as soon as practicable and within one week, and we aim to provide a more complete response or resolution (where required and if possible) within 45 days.

  9. If you are not satisfied with our response or resolution, you may wish to refer the matter:

    In the case of complaints or feedback involving insolvency administrations, to –

    • Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association

      GPO Box 9985, Sydney NSW 2001; or

    • Australian Securities & Investments Commission
      PO Box 4000, Gippsland Mail Centre Vic 3841

    In the case of complaints or feedback involving McGrathNicol’s Australian Financial Services Licence, to –

    • Australian Financial Complaints Authority Limited
      GPO Box 3, Melbourne Vic 3001

    In the case of Privacy complaints or feedback to –

    In the case of any complaints or feedback, to –

    • Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
      GPO Box 9985, Sydney NSW 2001

  10. Please note that any information gathered through the Firm’s Complaints & Feedback process will be retained on a confidential basis (where requested and/or as appropriate) and may be used in enhancing the Firm’s system of quality controls.