Legal statement
McGrathNicol is a group of independent entities operating in association.
The main entities in the group include:
McGrathNicol Partnership ABN 41 945 982 761, providing Corporate Recovery services;
McGrathNicol Advisory Partnership ABN 34 824 776 937, providing Corporate Advisory, Forensic and Transaction Services;
ACT Super Management Pty Ltd ABN 29 073 947 690, providing Acting Trustee services for superannuation funds;
McGrathNicol Services Pty Ltd ABN 99 252 041 004, providing operational support services to other entities in Australia;
New Zealand
McGrathNicol Limited Co# 1525474, providing services under an affiliation agreement with the Australian entities.
As is common in professional services firms, the title “director” is used to denote a senior member of our practice. Unless specifically stated, this title does not correspond with the definition of director under Corporations Act (Aust.) or the Companies Act (NZ).
If you have any questions regarding this legal statement please contact the Chief Operating Partner on (03) 9038 3100 or email